Sweet tooth? Try these Cinnamon Rolls courtesy of Okemos clinic!
FiberFuel Celery Juice
Air Fryer Chicken Fajitas
Pumpkin Cheesecake Roll
Quinoa and Spiralized Vegetable Salad
Track your progress and get healthy with Medical Weight Loss Clinic
Chocolate Coconut Joy
Mushroom Pizza
Apple Cinnamon Dip
Apple Cinnamon Dip
2 Nutritional Supplements
1 Fruit
Suitable for all Freedom meal plans only
1 small Apple, cut in slices
1 MWLC Cheesecake Nutritional Supplement
1 MWLC Cinnamon Swirl Pudding Shake Nutritional Supplement
Dash of ground Cinnamon
Prepare the cheesecake according to package directions and spread it evenly in a shallow dish. Prepare the cinnamon swirl pudding according to package directions and spread the pudding evenly over the cheesecake. Sprinkle ground cinnamon on top and chill until ready to serve.