Love the added kick from hot peppers? Learn how to seed them properly.
MWLC and the American Diabetes Association - Detroit
Help stop diabetes! Register today and come get your walk on with Maurice and the rest of the MWLC Team! To register, visit: Please register under the MWLC Team page.
Read Maurice's success story here:
Picking the Best Cantaloupe
How to Use Skewers
Blue Cross Members Share Their ‘Why’ for Losing Weight
We all have our own reasons for why we want to lose weight - more energy, overall health or perhaps a special occasion. By taking advantage of an exclusive discount offered to Blue Cross members through the Blue365 savings program, find out how five patients teamed up with their local Medical Weight Loss Clinic and changed their lives.
National Watermelon Day
Watermelons can grow enormous, and you will find competitions across the country which award prizes each year for the largest one. The Guinness Book of World Records states that the heaviest watermelon weighed 262 pounds. To learn more refreshing watermelon facts, check out
National Raspberry Cream Pie Day
How to Grill Stone Fruit
Health Benefits of Walking
Did you know that a 30-minute walk can provide plenty of other benefits for your overall health that reach far beyond weight loss? Walking for fitness can be a great activity for beginners looking to start a daily exercise routine so whether you’re new to walking or an experienced runner, these six surprising health benefits are proven to make a daily walk worth your while.
The Importance of Staying Hydrated with IBD
Apple Cherry Coleslaw
How to Keep Strawberries Fresh
Nap Time
About 40% of Americans never sleep the recommended seven to nine hours, according to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF). But skimping on sleep can contribute to a host of problems. In addition to affecting your personal health, sleep is crucial for the health of your job. Here is how sleeping more can help!