Health Benefits of Walking

Health Benefits of Walking

Did you know that a 30-minute walk can provide plenty of other benefits for your overall health that reach far beyond weight loss?  Walking for fitness can be a great activity for beginners looking to start a daily exercise routine so whether you’re new to walking or an experienced runner, these six surprising health benefits are proven to make a daily walk worth your while.

Nap Time

Nap Time

About 40% of Americans never sleep the recommended seven to nine hours, according to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF).  But skimping on sleep can contribute to a host of problems.  In addition to affecting your personal health, sleep is crucial for the health of your job.  Here is how sleeping more can help!

CCFA Take Steps 2018

Join us for the CCFA's Take Steps walk this Saturday, June 9th 2018 at Southfield Civic Center Complex.  Check in at 9am and walk with us at 10:30.  Connect with patients, families, healthcare providers and other organizations while fundraising for cures for Crohn's & Colitis!