While our patients each come to us with different goals and challenges, they all aim to live a healthier life. For Erica D. of Croswell, Mich. the journey to lose weight resulted in something even better.
Erica D. was losing weight with Medical Weight Loss Clinic when something really exciting happened. She became pregnant.
Erica, a mother of two, joined Medical Weight Loss Clinic in December 2021 and visited our Fort Gratiot location. She was inspired to try the program because both of her parents had been through it and achieved great results. Erica says she’d been struggling for about 2 years to lose weight.
She and her husband married in June 2021 and were hoping to have a child. Erica suspected she might be battling health concerns like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), which can make losing weight and getting pregnant quite difficult.
“I knew that it probably wasn't wise to become pregnant at my size, but having a 9- and 5-year-old already, we didn’t want to delay it any longer,” she says. “Both my husband and I were getting discouraged. I assumed it was me and that there was something wrong, still in the back of my mind knowing that my weight was probably not helping.”
That’s what led her to Medical Weight Loss Clinic with the support and encouragement of her husband. At the start of her journey, Erica weighed 249 pounds and just a few months later, in March, she neared her goal to lose 50 pounds. She was down to 206 pounds. And she discovered she was pregnant!
“Every week that I weighed in and saw the scale go down kept pushing me to keep going,” Erica recalls. “I was thrilled to make it as far as I did before becoming pregnant.”
For Erica, a weight loss goal wasn’t the final destination. Instead she was able to realize something much more important. Her family of four will become a family of 5 this November.
And our team at Medical Weight Loss Clinic is so pleased to wish her – and all of those very special moms in our lives – a very Happy Mother’s Day this year.
“I'm so excited to be pregnant and that losing weight helped me to become pregnant” Erica says. “I chose Medical Weight Loss Clinic over other options because it seemed most realistic to my lifestyle. I felt - and still feel - really good and I have energy now.”
Your healthy journey is a personal one. Like Erica, the goal may be something much more than weight loss. Reach out to us at Medical Weight Loss Clinic for the personalized support you won’t find anywhere else. Schedule your free consultation online or by calling 1-800-GET-SLIM.