Sixteen weeks after joining Medical Weight Loss Clinic, Rosemarie dropped 30 pounds and 10.5 inches
When Rosemarie Smelley first joined Medical Weight Loss Clinic in June 2017, she would get tired and feel her heart race after she walked just a short distance. When she bent down, she’d need help to get back up, and sitting on the floor was out of the question. She had high blood pressure and was borderline diabetic.
All that changed once she became a patient at the Southfield clinic.
Sixteen weeks after joining Medical Weight Loss Clinic, the 66-year-old dropped 30 pounds and 10.5 inches, fitting into size 10 pants, down from size 16.
“I can now walk farther without being tired. I can bend down, touch my toes, lie down on the floor and get up,” Rosemarie said. Her blood pressure came down and she has decreased her risk of Type 2 diabetes.
“I feel great emotionally and physically,” she said.
The matriarch of a large family — with four children, seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren with another on the way — Rosemarie said her family is proud of her and that her co-workers at Quicken Loans tell her how good she looks.
“I even get called skinny!” she said.
When Rosemarie decided it was time to get her health on track, she chose MWLC over other options because it felt most doable. “No food delivery. No counting points. Just a healthier way of eating for me,” she said. “My experience has been great. I started off losing weight quickly. I looked good and felt great.”
Rosemarie loves when her co-workers call her skinny.
Rosemarie’s biggest challenge continues to be getting enough water and eating fewer carbs, but she said she sticks with the plan because it works, and she has several tools that help her stay focused and motivated.
“I've experienced some weight gain (nothing major), but I revisit my food journals to get back on track. Plus, I have the support of the staff at MWLC, who I can comfortably speak with about problems I may be having,” she said.
Rosemarie said it’s important for patients to follow counselors’ instructions, eat only what’s recommended and to ask a counselor before deviating from that list. For her, it’s also been key to weigh herself daily, and to keep a daily log of her weight, food intake and exercise.
“My biggest success with MWLC is better health. I was borderline diabetic and now I'm not. I always had high blood pressure, and now it's lower,” Rosemarie said. “I attribute this to eating better and knowing that I have to keep moving the rest of my life.”
If you are ready to turn your health around, lose weight and feel better, contact Medical Weight Loss Clinic today for your free consultation. Schedule the consultation online or call 1-800-GET-SLIM.