Cris and Tom Williams - in their early 60s - had always struggled with their weight and tried just about every diet they came across when they committed to a lifestyle change through Medical Weight Loss Clinic in early 2018. Both had lost and gained weight over the years, and Cris even had gastric bypass surgery in 2002, only to find that she began to slowly regain weight after about a year.
Cris and Tom Williams know success for our health goals can come in pairs.
“As I became older, it became more difficult to go up and down stairs,” she said. “Both knees had severe arthritis. I used to be able to go out with friends and shop all day, but eventually, I couldn’t do that any longer.”
Cris’ stress over her weight and discomfort was compounded by the fact that her orthopedic surgeon said he wouldn’t conduct knee replacement surgery on her until her BMI was 40. It was 45 at the time.
“I was so depressed and frustrated,” she said.
Meanwhile, her husband Tom dealt with knee and hip pain that made it difficult for him to go up and down stairs too. He also took two insulin injections everyday to control his diabetes. As he prepared for retirement — which he hoped to have the chance to enjoy after decades of hard work — he wanted to make a change, but didn’t know how.
Fortunately, that’s when Cris presented him with the idea of Medical Weight Loss Clinic. She had a customer who raved about his wife’s success on the program.
“I spoke to my husband about it, and to my surprise, he was all for it! He wanted to do it with me!” Cris said. “We joined and started our weight loss journey together.”
The Kalamazoo MWLC location provided the couple with the tools they needed to lose weight and enjoy life. In 28 weeks, Cris lost 49 pounds and 21 inches, going from size 28 pants to size 16. In 30 weeks, Tom lost 67 pounds and almost 18 inches. He dropped from size 50 pants to 42.
Their weight loss has impacted their lives in numerous ways.
Tom was able to eliminate one insulin injection and reduce the second by one-third. His blood-sugar levels reached their lowest ever.
“Before, there was little room between the steering wheel and my belly,” he said. “Now there is plenty of room. That is an example of a small, maybe insignificant change, but it is in front of me every day, reminding me now to go back to that type of life I left behind.”
Cris was able to get a knee replacement that was so successful, her doctor called her a “poster child for knee replacement.” She moves with little-to-no pain.
The Williamses were both excited that they could buy clothes at department stores, rather than big-and-tall stores, which gave them more options and saved them money. They’ve taken up water aerobics for fitness too.
“I feel like a new person,” Cris said.
She and Tom credit their success to the fact that MWLC presented them with a lifestyle change, not a diet. They learned how to eat healthy, rather than starve themselves to lose weight. Cris learned to enjoy vegetables and understand the value of portion control. Now when she and Tom go out to eat, they share an entrée and are satisfied.
They acknowledged that they have had challenges and setbacks, but sharing their difficulties with their counselor — and now friend — Suzy, has helped them overcome the tough times. Cris said it has been important to surround themselves with happy, positive people and to “take one day at a time.” And Cris and Tom’s support for one another is key.
“My husband has been by my side during this journey,” Cris said. “ I can honestly say this experience has brought us closer. He has encouraged me and been there when I became discouraged. He is my rock.”
Tom echoed her sentiments.
“I wouldn’t have done this without my wife asking me. I am so thankful for her. If you are sharing your life with someone, do this together. Success is easier when you’re holding someone’s hand.”
If you’re ready to commit to a healthy lifestyle that will help you finally lose and keep off the weight you’ve struggled to drop, book your free consultation with Medical Weight Loss Clinic online or call 1-800-GET-SLIM.