Just ask Larry Lantzy and he will tell you he’s tried every single diet and diet supplement out there over the years.
He’s worked with local health systems. He did Keto. He even tried South Beach diet. Sure, he’d lose weight, but it always came back. That is, until he visited Medical Weight Loss Clinic’s Shelby Township location. Larry is seeing lasting results.
Joan and her father Larry are both Medical Weight Loss Clinic patients who’ve found that a personalized program and supplements like Control helps them live healthier.
“I always lost weight and gained it right back,” he admits. “This is the only place I’ve ever been that’s really worked. The counselors there are great! It’s very hard to lose weight. I need the accountability. I go to weigh in and I don’t get off-base.”
Larry started with Medical Weight Loss Clinic in October 2021 after his daughter, Joan McGee, began the program and told him how much she enjoyed it. Larry set a goal to lose 50 pounds and is almost there, having lost about 40 pounds.
To help aid his weight loss journey, Larry recently started taking a new over-the-counter, natural appetite suppressant from Medical Weight Loss Clinic, called Control. It’s meant to help patients like him along the way while he works to stabilize his weight. It blocks enzymes responsible for fat storage, contains vitamins to boost metabolism and energy levels while adding fiber so patients feel full and satiated.
“You do have to take it in conjunction with the program,” Larry says. “If you’re just taking it, it won’t work. It goes hand-in-hand with the program. I used to be a binge eater. This stuff works. You don’t feel hungry. You just feel normal.”
Joan McGee, Larry’s daughter, has also been a Medical Weight Loss Program patient. She lost 14 pounds on the program and is working to stabilize her weight. Joan says she’s not checking the refrigerator or cabinet for snacks like she used to do.
“Control took the edge off my hunger,” she says. “It helps you stay on plan. It’s a great product.”
Both Joan and her father, Larry, are quick to recommend Medical Weight Loss Clinic’s customized programs to those looking for support on a healthy program. And they both found Control has been helpful in the process, too.
Wondering if it will work for you? There’s only one way to know for sure. Reach out to Medical Weight Loss Clinic for more information. Sign up for a free consultation today at mwlc.com.