Enjoy the warm spices in a Pumpkin coffee you make yourself, and stay on your healthy path, too. Medical Weight Loss Clinic’s seasonal pumpkin pie supplement is so versatile.
One thing that’s consistent, even in 2020, is the popularity of all things pumpkin spice as soon as the air turns cooler and leaves change colors. And at Medical Weight Loss Clinic, we make sure our patients don’t have to miss out on the seasonal favorite.
The MWLC pumpkin pie supplement is just one way patients love to incorporate fall flavors into their meal program. Available as a seasonal option, the supplement is commonly used for pumpkin shakes or a pumpkin pie-like pudding, depending on how much water you mix with it. Jeannie Williams, a consultant at our Jackson, Mich. location, recommends 8 ounces of cold water for a shake or just 3 ounces for a thick pie texture.
“It’s really good on its own, but I like to doctor it up a bit,” Jeannie says. “To me, pumpkin pie isn’t sweet enough—that’s why people want to add whipped cream on top—so I add brown sugar Splenda and pumpkin pie spice. So it’s just like you’re eating the filling of a pumpkin pie.”
Full of vitamins and minerals, one 100-calorie packet of the low-carb, low-sugar pumpkin pie supplement has 15 grams of protein.
The team at the Jackson MWLC clinic likes to experiment and come up with program-approved recipes that will satisfy patients’ nutritional needs and cravings. Recently, they baked a mock cider mill doughnut by mixing the pumpkin pie supplement with the pancake supplement and putting it in a muffin tin with brown sugar Splenda sprinkled on top.
You can also keep it simple and add the pumpkin pie supplement to plain yogurt or coffee. Jeannie recommends splitting a packet between coffee and yogurt.
“It gives you that taste and filler you’re looking for without any bad stuff added,” she says.
Common spices go a long way in delivering the favorite fall flavors without the sugar and fat too.
If your plan allows oatmeal, you can add pumpkin pie spice and brown sugar Splenda to that. Patients like other pumpkin pie spice recipes that don’t require the supplements like pumpkin chiffon pie and pumpkin spice cappuccino too. Cooking and baking with nutmeg and cinnamon are also popular choices.
One of Jeannie’s favorite autumn options is a mix of sweet potatoes with peaches, brown sugar Splenda and pumpkin pie spice that she bakes for the clinic. Clinic Manager Michelle LeBlanc says the sweet potato and peaches together is a good mix because it combines a natural starch with a natural sugar.
Another fall flavor the MWLC team has gotten creative with is apple. They suggest steeping apple cinnamon herbal tea and using that in place of plain water with the pancake supplement, then adding brown sugar Splenda to make seasonal pancakes or waffles.
Whatever your favorite foods are, the team at your MWLC will work with you to find healthy yet delicious alternatives with their supplements and everyday ingredients.
To start your weight loss journey or learn more how to incorporate your most-loved flavors into a healthy diet plan, book your free consultation online or by calling 1-800-GET-SLIM.