Don’t let all those pastel colors and teeny candies fool you this Easter. Whether it’s an Easter basket, candy dish or holiday feast, trouble is lurking if you aren’t prepared. I learned the lesson the hard way on Halloween—one mini Snickers turned into 20. Normally, I can control what food is in my house these days, but on holidays it’s tough when others are bringing goodies in and in quantities I can’t control. If you are planning on hosting family or celebrating elsewhere here are some ideas to eliminate temptation:
Pack up the leftovers and send them home with guests if you are hosting. Or pack them up and bring them to work for co-workers.
Easter Baskets for Children
Fill their baskets with anything but candy. They will still get a kick out of a basket full of fun items instead of sugary treats and if you’re like me it’s less temptation to peek in their basket in the evenings looking for a chocolatey treat. Bubbles, sidewalk chalk, books, fruit snacks, Play-Doh, crafts, etc.
Don’t Go Hungry
Eat before you go or when you expect visitors to avoid overeating. If you're traveling, bring your shaker, drinks, bars and anything you need outside of your own kitchen to survive the uncertainty of traveling. Preparation removes the excuse of making bad choices and regret.
Out of Sight, Out of Mind
If you are hosting and feel inclined to provide food that is tempting, keep it out of sight until right before it’s time to eat. Then send it home with someone else, so it isn’t calling your name! Chips, candy dishes, nuts, etc. all lead to quick mindless snacks that add up.
Friday, Saturday or Monday
If you feel you’ll get a pass because it’s a holiday make sure you weigh-in before, it will keep you honest and accountable. Weigh-in Monday and try to get back on track at your next meal if you fall off course.
Dish to Pass
Bring a healthy option you can eat if you’re uncertain what will be served. Fruit salad, veggies, turkey, are ideas. Don’t forget a beverage, water or something diet friendly so you don’t drink something you’ll regret.
Holidays are fun but tough on a diet, plan ahead and eliminate the stress and anxiety. Don’t let one day or weekend with the family derail your hard work and efforts!