My counter top reminder!
After my clinic visit last week, I realized I need to re-focus my efforts on my water intake. I bought a 2 gallon jug with a spout. I filled it with water and lemons and placed it on my counter, only because I couldn’t get the Gatorade Cooler in the house! It’s a reminder to drink my water–which I consistently have to work on. I would much rather have coffee, beer or soda in my cup than water and the consequences usually appear in a physical manner.
The difference in my skin is noticeable and the scale certainly reflects whether or not I’m properly hydrated. I even attribute the headaches I frequently had to dehydration since they have been eradicated since drinking more water.
With summer approaching, I am pledging to get back on track. Here are things I did when I started the program and am re-visiting:
BYOB: Find a water bottle you love, mine have spouts or straws. Bring it everywhere—work, the car, the gym! You’ll prevent the incidental slip up of a beverage you don’t want to drink or end up thirsty. If it has ounces on it, you can measure how much you’re drinking as well.
Accessorize: Use a straw–you will be amazed how much more you drink! Or try drinking water in a wine glass, makes it festive and functional for a change.
Infuse With Flavor: Infuse your water with fruit, throw a handful of strawberries, pineapple and lemons in water and let it sit in the fridge. You will have a refreshing and naturally flavored water. Pinterest has tons of infusion recipes.
Bedtime Ritual: Warm water before bed in your favorite mug with lemon is very calming and you will sleep better! It also keeps me from snacking at night.
Crushed vs. Cubed: Have your ice your way, my mom loves crushed ice for a super cold frosty drink.
Water On The Rocks, Please. Your wallet will thank you every time you go to a restaurant and order water instead of a soda–$2 adds up!
Refreshing & naturally flavored!
Bottoms up!